Events & Retreats
We offer events, retreats and certifications on a regular basis
Realizing Serenity Yoga Series- Sound healing & Reiki
THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 AT 10:30 AM
Come join us for seven consecutive Thursdays from 10:30am to 11:45am. Learn how to access deeper aspects of yourself on the mat and explore tools, techniques and more through our integrative Hatha yoga gentle and loving flow.
It is a 75 minute session we’ll begin April 6 until May 18. From 10:30am to 11:45am. We have yoga mats, blocks, blankets and yoga straps to support your time on the mat. The investment is $115
During the most important pose and everyone’s favorite, Savasana (integrating) you will enjoy a longer than usual resting pose to receive sound therapy ( healing singing bowls) and Reiki energy healing.
Note: you must reserve your spot ahead of time to participate. Space is limited. 727-479-8755. Shanti Heart yoga flow has the deep intention to be accessible to everyone. Modifications and props are always welcome.
Look forward to seeing you on the mat. Practice will be inside the sanctuary room or on the deck by the lake whenever weather permits.
Awakening through Spiritual Constellations
SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2023 AT 9 AM – 5 PM
This weekend is dedicated to a loving, kind and compassionate search of the Soul for Freedom, Resolution & Peace.
Spiritual Family Constellations is soul work —within the “knowing energy field-“ this work supports the resolution of inherited trauma, gaps to understanding and familial patterns. Through this work the participants decode their emotional blueprint- an exploration and invitation to break free from the patterns that hold you back and create constant suffering of the unknown systems.
Return home with an understanding and appreciation of how Spiritual Family Constellation work offers a positive impact on the way you live your life.
There are 5 spots to do your own Spiritual constellation. Come and experience your own spiritual constellation. The investment is $185. Food is included. There are 15 participant spots to experience this healing modality. As a participant you may be chosen to be a representative in someone’s constellation. The investment is $85. Food is included
We will meet: Sunday, May 7th from 9am to 5pm. Breakfast and lunch will be served.
As a representative in another’s constellation you will experience healing and insights as much as the person who is constellating. The goal of Spiritual family constellations work is to remove emotional, mental, physical, and relational patterns that have been caused by deeply felt occurrences in our family history or ancestors’ lives. Constellation work is a deep experience and affects everyone in the retreat. It has been established that the healing energy present in this work is realized equally among all participants, working and supporting alike.
Blessings and look forward to seeing you at our Shanti Heart sanctuary. Register now!!! Space is limited. email or contact me at 727-479-8755
​Chef Carlos will be nourishing our body/mind/soul with amazing food. All meals are prepared from scratch and are vegetarian.
​If you are not familiar with this work we invite you to see Another Self or Sex, Love & Goop: Episode 5 “Thank the Past” both on Netflix.