Event, Retreats & Certifications
Awakening Retreat through Family Constellations
November 11, 2023
9am to 5pm
Spiritual Family Constellations is soul work —within the “knowing energy field-“ this work supports the resolution of inherited trauma, gaps to understanding and familial patterns. Through this work the participants decode their emotional blueprint- an exploration and invitation to break free from the patterns that hold you back and create constant suffering of
the unknown systems.
Return home with an understanding and appreciation of how Spiritual Family Constellation work offers a positive impact on the way you live your life. Healing is possible and the knowing field is full of grace, love and compassion… break free from entanglements, identifications, hidden unconscious loyalties, exclusions, and broken relationships.
Come🙏 join us to experience your own spiritual constellation. The investment is $185. Food is included.
You can also experience this healing modality as a participant. You may be chosen to be a representative in someone’s constellation. The investment is $85. Food is included
As a participant/representative in another’s constellation you will experience healing and insights as much as the person who is constellating. The goal of Spiritual family constellations work is to remove emotional, mental, physical, and relational patterns that have been caused by deeply felt occurrences in our family history or ancestors’ lives.
Constellation work is a deep experience and affects everyone in the retreat. It has been established that the healing energy present in this work is realized equally among all participants, working and supporting alike.
Blessings and look forward to seeing you at our Shanti Heart sanctuary. Register now!!! Space is limited. Email gloria@shantiheartyoga.com or contact me at 727-479-8755
Chef Carlos will be nourishing our body/mind/soul with amazing food. All meals are prepared from scratch and are vegetarian.
If you are not familiar with this work we invite you to see Another Self or Sex, Love & Goop: Episode 5 “Thank the Past” both on Netflix.
Yoga & Meditation Training for Seekers: A Transformational Journey
August 2nd to Nov 15th
Studies have shown that there is a greater percentage of people who are more afraid of Living Fully than Dying.
My transformational training is an invitation to exploration and experience what love and ease awaken in our human experience. We don’t do yoga or meditation, we live them, we Are. Yoga as well as meditation mean Union. Come and explore with me that we are more alike than different… we All desire to be loved, seen,and belong to something greater and more joyful than a habitual everyday life.
We will meet once a week on Wednesdays from 8am to noon. And a whole transformational weekend retreat. The training will be 100 hrs total: 20 hours guided home Svadhyaya (time spent on self-study and 2-3 one on one transformational sessions), 80 hours in person (16 hour weekend session and 64 hours weekly meet). It is $22 per hour for a full payment of $2200. Payments will be made in four installments. The first to register $550. Three more payments of $550 the first of each month for the duration of the program.
Meeting dates - We'll begin August 2nd and graduate November 15th. Transformational training weekend will be November 4 and 5th. This date is subject to change to accommodate the whole group. Food and materials will be included during this weekend.
The Wednesdays we’ll happily meet are: August 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30; September 6, 13, 20 and 27; October 4, 11, 18 and 25; November 1, 8 and 15. This is a small, sacred group with a maximum of 10 students. You are required to buy a yoga mat, two blocks, a Mexican blanket, a yoga trap and a journal. This is the gear for happy campers and committed Seekers. Easily available via Amazon!
We have a total of 4 modules. We’ll study each module for 4 weeks.
Module 1
Yoga & mindfulness philosophy.
Nurturing & channeling the gunas - “The Cycle of Creation”
The eight limbs of yoga - The path of wholeness
The wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita ~ Ultimate guide for skillful living - Self- regulation, self-knowledge and practices - don’t do yoga, allow and invite yoga to undo you and transform you into the Best expression of yourself.
Moving and transforming Emotions to Motions. From overcoming to Becoming. From Becoming to Being at peace.
Meditation as the best medication. Welcoming wholeness through acceptance and compassion
Yoga is 99% practice 1% theory ~ Krishna Pattabhi Jois- Yoga and Meditation are primary in the process for removing that which we are not, in order to develop self-knowledge of who we are.
The beginner's Mind
Yogi Path of Awareness on and off the mat
The Cause of Suffering: The Kleshas- The breath is our connection to our source
Asana ~ Hatha yoga Teaching/practice essentials
Anatomy, Alignment & Physiology
Disconnection as Illness
Module 2
The wisdom of the Upanishads ~ Experience of Unity
Moving meditation- living by choice & faith instead of living by fear.
Living with intention, moment by moment. The awakening of the compassionate witness, the Seer and the Seeker.
Keeping your yoga practice safe and for good. Alignment/Lines of Energy/ adjusting/ modifications/ self- knowledge & self-compassion on the mat.
Honoring oneself on the mat and off mat. Yoga as a lifestyle.
Pranayama & Subtle Body
Yogic Breathing, Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System
Asana ~ Hatha yoga Teaching & practice essentials
The Science of Breathing
Anatomy, Alignment & Physiology
Module 3
Changing lanes - Be on the path and stay on the path.
The path of love and self-knowledge - who you are NOT. ( epigenetics, neuroplasticity, family constellations knowledge and practices)
Melting, growing stronger and supple … the body is a wonderful reflection of your mind. A constant attitude of welcoming wholeness.
Subtle Body ~ Astral Body
The 3 bodies
The Five elements- channeling
Five Vital Forces ~ The Vayus - Vital Winds
The five sheaths or koshas
The psychology of the chakra system- living a balanced life
Anatomy, Alignment & Physiology
Asana ~ Hatha yoga Teaching/practice essentials
Module 4
Ayurveda introduction- The science of preventive medicine
Yoga and ayurveda- sister science as the Path of Wholeness
The Uniqueness of the Heart
Anatomy, Alignment & Physiology
Asana ~ Hatha yoga Teaching/practice essentials
Divine practices to channel the life force and balance the Astral body
Change is the amazing constant in life- Embracing it … Becoming.
The Nadis: Tantric Anatomy of the Subtle Body
Yoga Mudras - Hasta mudras -Mudras, Mind and Emotion
Mudras, invocation and Meditation
Mantra, Chanting and Kirtan