Events & Retreats
We offer events, retreats and certifications on a regular basis
Uniqueness of the Heart:
A Weekend Retreat
MARCH 29 & 30
The Uniqueness of the Heart🙏🏻
“When you are able to get out of the shell of your small self, you will see that you are interrelated to everyone and everything, that your every act is linked with the whole of humankind and the whole cosmos. To keep yourself healthy in body and mind is to be kind to all beings.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
This is an invitation to dwell in Divine communication with your own heart and united we will become one heart and enjoy the bliss of Oneness. How fascinating it is that the human heart, the muscular mega-pump that delivers oxygenated blood around our bodies and the center of our circulatory systems, is also the center of our emotions. Its emotional capacity is vast, from the ability to feel love, compassion and to care very deeply, to sadness, pain, anger and even hate.
We have an innate capacity to Awaken our heart and Reclaim our freedom to feel a great sense of closeness, wholeness and Oneness… Feel our community, Diversity and Divinity within. Let’s allow our hearts to be swollen and melt in the glory of Love. The reality is, we all can love or hate. We might think we are above violence of that sort, but how many little ways do we contribute to the harm of others every day in our words or thoughts? Hate for a politician, or a criminal, or a racist, is still hate. I know I have had those thoughts and feelings and said I hate something. It doesn’t feel good. It separates and divides. Whereas there is nothing more beautiful than feeling deep love. And in a state of feeling love it’s practically impossible to feel hate. It also goes that as hate fuels hate, as does love fuel love. Love can be cultivated simply by practicing giving more love.
We will spend the whole weekend in a wonderful exploration of emptying what is full and filling with love what’s empty.
Contemplating- Cultivating- Reclaiming
There are many reasons for the heart to become bitter, blocked, contracted and unable to express its full capacity for love. Childhood trauma, abuse or neglect for sure contribute to difficulties expressing the full capacity of one’s heart. “The most common block in the heart chakra is the absence of self-love. How can we have intimacy with others if we are distanced from our own self? How can we reach out to others when we are drowning in shame and criticism? How can we maintain balance between ourselves and others if we have no balance within? How can we treat another with respect if we treat our own selves abusively?”
In our Safe, Secure & Sacred space we will explore the body as the amazing vehicle and vessel of releasing our issues to transform and heal our tissues. Our hearts will explore the natural contraction and expansion of breath, movement, energy healing, sacred practices/rituals to release what does not suit us any longer and re-member every tissue into our Wholeness. We are TOGETHER in this. The collective consciousness of our hearts 🙏🏻
Investment for your weekend retreat is $255. All materials and meals are included.